The NMCRL includes the following data used by the armed forces of the NCS countries (NATO and AC/135 sponsored countries): The NMCRL is available on an annual subscription basis. The NMCRL is also extremely valuable to any civilian company wishing to do business with many armed forces worldwide.
As the primary logistics tool for NATO and AC/135 sponsored countries, the NMCRL provides a catalogue of the materiel they use. In addition to ease of use and rapid search and extract features, the main advantage of the NMCRL is that it contains all of the NATO Stock Numbers assigned by the NCS countries. The product now has worldwide distribution. Although the NMCRL was originally designed for use by NATO logisticians, has proved to be an invaluable tool for non-NATO logisticians and civilian companies.
It is a valuable tool for logisticians and manufacturers in every nation, providing information about materiel and significant business intelligence gathered from the databases of the National Codification Bureaux in the NATO Codification System (NCS) user countries (NATO and AC/135 sponsored countries). The multilingual NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics ( NMCRL) exists as a real time database on the Internet ( NMCRL-WEB) and as an offline database for use on any PC not connected to the Internet ( NMCRL-OFFLINE).